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Your registration into the April-May LCA Weekend and 8 Week Course is such strong evidence of your commitment to reclaim the "sacredness" you are as a human being — to claim an even higher level of personal effectiveness and joy!  You will be in the company of others who share your dedication to release what has held you back — people determined to move forward in manifesting the dreams of their heart.  We are honored to share this time with you and look forward to our adventure. 


The Wednesday evening following your LCA Weekend is a significant part of your program.  A vital tool will be shared that night that describes how to accelerate manifesting your dreams.  VERY powerful.  You will also be inspired as your fellow participants share the miracles that have occurred from the Weekend.  This will be the only evening when you can invite friends and family to get a sense of the LCA.  The hallmark of this time together is fun, joy and celebration. 


During the eight powerful sessions that follow, you will discover dynamic new tools and be supported in living from an even higher level of life mastery.  The entire program will be presented from a Zoom format. You will have separate Zoom links for each day of your LCA Weekend and your Celebration Wednesday.  There will be just one link for all 8 of your Thursday evenings.  All links are posted below.    


I am especially excited about providing your LCA On-Line Membership!  As a member, you will be able to stay connected with your fellow participants over time — and you will have exclusive, 24/7 access to:


  • All your LCA Webinar materials

  • Step by step videos of all the main LCA Tools we will be presenting

  • Webinars customized just for LCA participants

  • And much much more


In addition, you will know that your monthly membership fee is in a very real way, ‘paying it forward’ for future participants.  


Membership is a requirement for participation in the LCA.  If you have not yet subscribed, please do so before the program begins. (Go to  And remember, you can cancel your membership at any time.    




The LCA Weekend and Celebration Wednesday Webinars and Zoom Links:



FRIDAY    April 2, 2021       6:50 pm         Webinar Opens       

                                                7:00 pm         Webinar Begins 

                                                9:00 pm         Completion


            Join Zoom Meeting — https:




SATURDAY    April 3              8:50 am       Webinar Opens

                                                  9:00 am       Webinar Begins

                                                12:00 pm       Meal Break                                                                                                   

                                                12:50 pm       Webinar Opens

                                                  1:00 pm       Webinar Begins

                                                  4:00 pm       Meal Break


                                                  4:50 pm        Webinar Opens

                                                  5:00 pm        Webinar Begins

                                                  7:00 pm        Completion


            Join Zoom Meeting — https:





SUNDAY         April 4             12:50 pm        Webinar Opens

                                                    1:00 pm         Seminar  

                                                    4:00 pm         Completion


            Join Zoom Meeting — https:



WEDNESDAY          April 7             6:50 p.m.        Webinar Opens

                                                           7:00 p.m.        Webinar Begins  

                                                           9:00 p.m.        Completion


            Join Zoom Meeting — https:




The LCA 8 Week Webinars and Zoom Link:


8 consecutive Thursdays (April 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27)      


6:50 pm         Webinar Opens       

7:00 pm         Webinar Begins 

9:00 pm         Completion


            Join Zoom Meeting — https:



Preparing for the LCA Weekend, Celebration Wednesday and 8 Week Webinars:


  • Create an ultra-private environment for yourself during the entire webinar.  By arranging the dependable support you need, you will not be interrupted by children, pets, or anyone else.  This is YOUR sacred time! (We take care of ourselves so we can care for others.)


  • Have your computer (with camera on), connected to the internet so we can see your face on our Zoom webinar.  This will be so very helpful in creating our supportive community — new friends you will have for years.  


  • Have your LCA Workbook, printed out and placed in a 3-ring binder.  This format will support you in all the writing exercises and will provide quick access to vital tools for years to come.  


  • If possible, have a photograph available of you as a child. 


  • Have plenty of drinking water.  


  • For Saturday only, please have a pillow and blanket for a floor exercise we will be doing.  


  • So you can be fully clear and present for the program, please do not consume alcohol, marijuana or take any recreational drugs on the days of our webinars.


  • We ask that cell phones not be used when the program is in session. 



If you want to begin building a great foundation for our work together, consider reading ‘Miracles Are Guaranteed’ and ‘Get Your Power Back.’  If you are in a challenging relationship, you might also want to read, ‘How to Heal a Painful Relationship.  All 3 books are by Bill Ferguson.  To deepen your spiritual relationship (regardless of your faith) please read ‘The Opening — Embracing Your Spiritual Destiny’ by Randy Ferguson.  These four titles are available at



Other Tips for a Great Weekend:


Know that sometimes in preparation for the LCA Weekend, upsets occur in order to be healed.  If this should happen, you may want to use this time to stand back and observe yourself going through the challenge.  Please be extremely compassionate with yourself in this preparation process, remaining committed to the breakthroughs you so desire. 


If possible, setting aside all or part of Monday after the Weekend for restoration, can be a beautiful act of self-caring.  Past participants have shared that this time of rest and reflection has been helpful to allow a deeper integration of the Weekend’s lessons, healings and discoveries.  In Case of Emergency:  Call this cell phone number 303-947-9948.


We so look forward to sharing this special time with you! 


With love and respect,


Randy Ferguson

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